V'air 一年一度的旗艦活動”Venture Hong Kong 2021’’將正式推出!繼 2017 年和 2018 年推出相關活動後,由於能增加公眾對香港本地的生態環境和文化風俗的認識,反應不俗,故今年再度舉辦。是次活動名為「#遨遊香港」—旨在鼓勵香港人以嶄新及有趣的方式探索這座城市多元的自然旅遊景點。本年活動將會結合工作坊環節,中學生須靈活運用他們的知識及激發思維,製作一份發展可持續旅遊業的潛力的強弱危機分析( SWOT )。
SWOT是有關組織分析其優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅的工具,與普通的案例比賽 (Case Competition )有別,你將有機會整合 企業與財務概論 BA/ 通識 LS/ 地理 GEOG/生物 BIO/歷史 HISTORY/經濟 ECON 的學科知識,在四個指定地點之一(#錦田、#泥涌、#龍虎山和 #大澳) 進行SWOT 分析!
欠缺以往的經驗而束手無策?不用擔心!你可以參加由 V'air 成員在香港中文大學所舉辦的 SWOT工作坊,V’air 成員將指導你完成 SWOT 分析過程並教導不同的技巧及基礎概念,如可持續發展、景點承載力等,以及我們應該如何欣賞和實踐低碳當地旅遊。經過兩週的實地考察和研究準備後,你將會進行一個分享活動,向不同的評委介紹你的作品。前三名有機會贏取高達 $1500的現金券,其他優秀作品也會被發表在V'air官網和社交媒體上!
- 冠軍:誠品 $1000 現金券及獲獎證書
- 亞軍:誠品 $700 現金券及獲獎證書
- 季軍:誠品 $300 現金券及獲獎證書
豐富的獎品在等著你!還在猶豫?立刻填妥參加表格,抓緊難能可貴的機會參加我們的 SWOT 分析比賽!
- 陳宗誠教授:香港中文大學地理與資源管理系助理教授,致力研究及教授有關可持續續旅遊方面的知識,相信能為同學的強弱分析報告提供意見。
- Titus Chan:地理科補習名師,富有多年的地理教學經驗且熱愛行山,熟知本地不同自然景點的特性,定可從專業角度評審同學的作品。
- 日期:
2021年7月19日 14:00 - 17:00(工作坊)
2021年8月9日 09:00 - 13:15(匯報日、即場評核及頒獎典禮) - 地點:Innoport @ CUHK
- 報名對象:所有中學生
- 參與形式:個人參與/組隊參與 (2-4)
報名表格:https://forms.gle/ddo2vi3gPfGZqMyX7 - 截止報名日期:
工作坊為自願性質,參加者將會獲得工作坊參與證書(可供OLE 時數用)及 E-SWOT 比賽額外分數。 參加者亦可只參加 8月9日 的發報會及頒獎典禮
V’air’s annual flagship event “Venture Hong Kong 2021” is starting! It has been our third year to organize the event since 2017 and 2018. It aims at encouraging Hong Kongers to explore our city’s long-ignored tour spots intriguingly. This year, secondary school students are invited to incorporate their classroom knowledge to draft a SWOT analysis about the potentials of developing sustainable tourism in 1 of the 4 selected locations.
SWOT analysis is a strategic tool for organizations to build up their strengths, overcome weaknesses, take up opportunities and minimize threats. Unlike ordinary case competitions, you would have the chance to integrate your BA/ LS/ GEOG/ BIO/HISTORY/ECON knowledge to complete a SWOT analysis for developing sustainable tourism in 1 out of the 4 selected spots across our territory (Kam Tin, Nai Chung, Lung Fu Shan and Tai O) !!.
Unfamiliar with SWOT Analysis? Don’t worry! You are able to attend a workshop at CUHK led by V’air’s members, who would guide you through the SWOT analysis process and how we should appreciate and practice low-carbon local tours.
After 2 weeks of preparation through field trips and research, you can present your SWOT ideas creatively in front of our judges. The top 3 candidates could win more than $1500 cash coupons, while other excellent works would also be published on V’air’s website and social media for acknowledgement!
- Champion: Eslite $1000 cash coupon & prize certificate
- 1st runner-up: Eslite $700 cash coupon & prize certificate
- 2nd runner-up: Eslite $300 cash coupon & prize certificate
Don’t hesitate and grab your chance to join our SWOT analysis competition to win away our prizes!
- Johnson Chan, an Assistant Professor from the Department of Geography and Resource Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is dedicated to research and teaching in sustainable tourism. He could give professional feedback on students’ SWOT analysis.
- Titus Chan, a renowned Geography tutor, is experienced in teaching geography. Furthermore, he is interested in exploring the local landscapes. He is able to utilize his expertise in the local environment to judge our participants’ work.
How to Register
- Date:
19th Jul 2021 14:00 - 17:00 (Workshop)
9th Aug 2021 09:00 - 13:15 (Presentation Day and Award Ceremony) - Venue: Innoport @ CUHK
- Eligibility: All secondary school students
- Form of Participation: individual participation / team participation (2-4 people)
- Registration link: https://forms.gle/ddo2vi3gPfGZqMyX7
- Application Deadline:
18th Jul 2021 (Workshop)
6th Aug 2021 (Presentation Day and Award Ceremony)
The workshop is voluntary. Participants will receive a certificate of participation in the workshop (available for OLE hours) and bonus marks for the E-SWOT competition. Participants could also choose to only attend the Presentation Day and Award Ceremony on August 9