V'air 低碳本地遊 週年報告 | V’air Hong Kong Annual Review
歡迎參閱 V'air 低碳本地遊(下稱:V'air)首次發表的週年報告。
V’air 自 2015 年成立至今,架構及工作種類都成熟了不少。由一個數人的小組發展成今天二十多人的團隊,全賴團隊的努力、大眾的支持、及不同機構的支援。
V'air 由香港青年主導,提倡低碳本地遊。我們以「低碳本地遊」為切入點,利用網絡媒體與線下行動,去推動大眾關注氣候變遷與本地環境問題。我們的核心理念包括「本地遊歷」、「公眾教育」、「青年充權」與「政策倡議」四項元素。我們希望香港大眾能透過 V'air 本次報告了解 V’air 的方針、重點項目、每個季度的活動、網上平台的參與率、及活動的數據。
於2019年,V'air 共舉辦了11個導賞團,而公眾參與活動錄得二千以上總人次,成績十分令人鼓舞。除了導賞團外,V'air 的足跡遍及社區組織及學校,致力推廣氣候變化及環保的知識,提升大眾對環境議題的關注。另外,V'air 共受邀電台訪問三次,並接受其他媒體採訪,向大眾分享遊覽大自然的好處,及 V’air 的工作。V'air 亦有大約40個合作夥伴,當中包括社會企業、環保團體、及商業機構。
2019年的工作成功實踐了 V’air 四大核心理念。期望大家透過本報告更深入了解 V’air 的發展方向。
感謝各位對 V’air 的支持!
Welcome to the first Annual Review of V’air Hong Kong (“V’air”).
Since its establishment in 2015, V’air has matured in its organizational structure and scope of work. With the diligence of our team, public support, and assistance from different organizations, V’air has grown from a small group to a team of more than 20 people.
V’air is led by youth in Hong Kong to promote low-carbon local tourism. V’air utilizes social media platforms and in-person activities to enhance environmental awareness of the general public. Our core values are “Local Tourism”, “Public Education”, “Youth Empowerment”, and “Policy Advocacy”.
It is hoped that this Annual Review will provide readers a better understanding of our vision, major projects, activities held in each quarter, social media engagement, and analytics of our activities.
In 2019, V’air organized 11 guided tours, and more than 2,000 people joined our public events. V’air is very encouraged by the high turnout. In addition to guided tours, V’air also engaged in school and community events to promote the knowledge of climate change and the environment. V’air was involved in 3 radio interviews and a few other media appearances to promote the benefits of being in nature and the work of V’air. V’air has approximately 40 partners, which include social enterprises, environmental organizations, and corporates.
Our core values were embodied in our work in 2019. We hope that you will gain a better understanding of our values and progress through reading this Annual Review.
Thank you for your support!